Open Day at Lea Bailey — June 2014

This was the first time we had given an advance public invitation to the railway and we had no idea what to expect in terms of visitors. Apparently there were enough that those who might have counted gave up. The car park was full most of the time and it will have to be extended before the September event. We collected almost £200 in donations which we shall have no trouble spending. There was a full turnout of volunteers who were keen to demonstrate ongoing and completed projects and refreshments were available courtesy of Jen Clifford.
Apart from our own locomotives — the Simplex has been given a spruce up and now you can see it coming — we had a Clayton battery-electric on show; it had been collected from Alan Keef at Lea Lines on the Saturday. The mine was open and illuminated by a small generator. Thanks to Rob and John Needham for supplying some of the pictures.